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Ifa Priests and Leadership
Aboru Aboye, as the leadership of Idin Kaa Ifa Temple we are Omo Awo of Oloye Solagbade Popoola of Odewale, Nigeria .

Oloye Solagbade Popoola
Oluwo Fakolade and
Apetebi Iya Ifadunmininu

Oluwo Jahsun Fakolade Edmonds

Oluwo'Nla Irawoifa (Amos Dyson), Oluwo Fakolade (Jahsun Edmonds), and Oloye Solagbade Popoola
Jahsun Ifakolade Edmonds is an adjunct professor of Africana Studies at California State University Dominguez Hills and an Ifa Priest (babalawo). He has been an initiated priest for over fifteen years. His areas of focus are African History and the practical application of African/African Diaspora Spiritual and Martial Arts systems. Most recently Baba Jahsun was installed as the Oluwo of Idin Kaa Ifa temple, where he works to help the South Central Los Angeles community through healing rituals, ebo, and spiritual remedies.
For any questions please contact the Oluwo at 323-244-1133 to book an appointment.
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